This describes the messages that will be sent to the native layer,


    | undefined
    | "apple"
    | "apple-isolated"
    | "android"
    | "android-broker-protection"
    | "android-autofill-password-import"
    | "windows"
    | "firefox"
    | "chrome"
    | "chrome-mv3"
    | "integration"


  • Sends an initial message to the native layer. This is the opportunity for the native layer to provide the initial state of the application or any configuration, for example:

    "stepDefinitions": {
    "systemSettings": {
    "rows": ["dock", "import", "default-browser"]
    "order": "v2",
    "exclude": ["dockSingle"],
    "locale": "en"

    In that example, the native layer is providing the list of rows that should be shown in the systemSettings step, overriding the default list provided in data.js.

    Returns Promise<InitResponse>

  • This will be sent if the application has loaded, but a client-side error has occurred that cannot be recovered from


    • params: {
              | "summary"
              | "customize"
              | "welcome"
              | "getStarted"
              | "privateByDefault"
              | "cleanerBrowsing"
              | "systemSettings"
              | "dockSingle"
              | "importSingle"
              | "makeDefaultSingle"
              | "duckPlayerSingle";
          message: string;

    Returns void

  • Sent when the user wants to import data. The UI will remain in a loading state until the native layer sends a response.

    Native side should respond when the operation is 'complete'.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Sent when the user wants to set DuckDuckGo as their default browser. The UI will remain in a loading state until the native layer sends a response.

    Native side should respond when the operation is 'complete'.

    Returns Promise<any>