We'll try to append Dax icons onto thumbnails, if the following conditions are met:

  1. User has Duck Player configured to 'always ask' (the default)
  2. thumbnailOverlays is enabled in the remote config

If those are met, the following steps occur:

  • let stack be the entire element stack below the cursor
  • let eventTarget be the event target that received the mouseover event (e.target)
  • exit if any element in stack matches a css selector in [config] hoverExcluded
  • let match be the first element that satisfies both conditions:
    1. matches the [config] thumbLink CSS selector
    2. can be converted into a valid DuckPlayer URL
  • exit if match was not found, or a valid link could not be created
  • exit if match is contained within any parent element defined in [config] excludedRegions
  • exit if match contains any sub-links (nested <a> tags)
  • exit if match does NOT contain an img tag
  • if we get this far, mark match as a valid link element, then:
    • append Dax overlay to match ONLY if:
      • eventTarget is equal to match, or
      • eventTarget contains match, or
      • eventTarget matches a CSS selector in [config] allowedEventTargets

We'll try to intercept clicks on thumbnails, if the following conditions are met:

  1. User has Duck Player configured to 'enabled'
  2. clickInterception is enabled in the remote config

If those are met, the following steps occur:

  • let stack be the entire element stack below the cursor when clicked
  • let eventTarget be the event target that received click event (e.target)
  • exit if any element in stack matches a css selector in [config] clickExcluded
  • let match be the first element that satisfies both conditions:
    1. matches the [config] thumbLink CSS selector
    2. can be converted into a valid DuckPlayer URL
  • exit if match was not found, or a valid link could not be created
  • exit if match is contained within any parent element defined in [config] excludedRegions
  • if we get this far, mark match as a valid link element, then:
    • prevent default + propagation on the event ONLY if:
      • eventTarget is equal to match, or
      • eventTarget contains match, or
      • eventTarget matches a CSS selector in [config] allowedEventTargets
    • otherwise, do nothing



