Messages will be sent to native platforms in 2 formats - notifications and requests. Notifications do not require a response, but requests do. The following spec explains the difference and how to handle each.

The purpose of this library is to enable 3 idiomatic JavaScript methods for communicating with native platforms:

// notifications
messaging.notify("helloWorld", { some: "data" })

// requests
await messaging.request("helloWorld", { some: "data" })

// subscriptions
const unsubscribe = messaging.subscribe("helloWorld", (data) => {

The following describes how you [native engineers] can implement support for this.

Each platform will 'receive' messages according to their own best practices, the following spec describes everything after the message has been delivered from the clientside JavaScript (deliberately avoiding the platform specifics of how messages arrive)

For example, in Android this would be what happens within a @Javascript Interface, but on macOS it would be within the WebKit messaging protocol, etc.

  1. let s be an incoming raw JSON payload
  2. let msg be the result of parsing s into key/value pairs
    • 2.1 Note: 'parsing' here may not be required if the platform in question receives JSON data directly (ie: JavaScript environments)
  3. if parsing was not successful, throw an "invalid message" Exception
  4. validate that msg.context exists and is a string value
  5. validate that msg.featureName exists and is a string value
  6. validate that msg.method exists and is a string value
    • 6.1 if parsing fails for context, featureName or method, throw an "invalid format" Exception
  7. let params be a reference to msg.params or a new, empty key/value structure
  8. if params is not a valid key/value structure, throw an "invalid params" Exception
  9. if the field is absent, then:
  10. if the field is present, then:
    • 10.1. validate that a string value, throw an "invalid params" Exception if it isn't
    • 10.2. mark msg as being of type Messaging.RequestMessage
  11. At this point, you should have a structure that represents either a Messaging.NotificationMessage or Messaging.RequestMessage. Then move to Step 2)

Once you've completed Step 1), you'll know whether you are dealing with a notification or a request (something you need to respond to). At this point you don't know which feature will attempt the message, you just know the format was correct.

  1. let feature be the result of looking up a feature that matches name msg.featureName
  2. if feature is not found, throw a "feature not found" Exception
  3. let handler be the result of calling feature.handlerFor(msg.method)
  4. if handler is not found, throw a "handler not found" exception
  5. execute handler with msg.params
    • 5.1. if msg was marked as a Messaging.NotificationMessage (via step 1), then:
      1. do not wait for a response
      2. if the platform must respond (to prevent errors), then:
        1. respond with an empty key/value JSON structure {}
    • 5.2. if msg was marked as a Messaging.RequestMessage, then:
      1. let response be a new instance of Messaging.MessageResponse
        1. assign msg.context to response.context
        2. assign msg.featureName to response.featureName
        3. assign to
      2. let result be the return value of executing handler(msg.params)
      3. if result is empty, assign result to an empty key/value structure
      4. if an error occurred during execution then:
        1. let error be a new instance of Messaging.MessageError
        2. assign a descriptive message if possible, to error.message
        3. assign error to response.error
      5. if an error did not occur, assign result to response.result
      6. let json be the string result of converting response into JSON
      7. deliver the JSON response in the platform specified way
  1. let event be a new instance of Messaging.SubscriptionEvent
  2. assign event.context to the target context
  3. assign event.featureName to the target feature
  4. assign event.subscriptionName to the target subscriptionName
  5. if the message contains data, then
    1. let params be a key/value structure
      1. Note: only key/value structures are permitted.
    2. assign params to event.params
  6. let json be the string result of converting event into JSON
  7. deliver the JSON response in the platform specified way


"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "saveUserValues"

Messaging.NotificationMessage with params

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "saveUserValues",
"params": { "hello": "world" }

Messaging.NotificationMessage with invalid params

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "getUserValues",
"params": "oops! <- cannot be a string/number/boolean/null"


"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "getUserValues",
"id": "abc123"

Messaging.RequestMessage with params

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "getUserValues",
"params": { "hello": "world" },
"id": "abc123"

Messaging.RequestMessage with invalid params

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"method": "getUserValues",
"params": "oops! <- cannot be a string/number/boolean/null",
"id": "abc123"

Messaging.RequestMessage -> Messaging.MessageResponse with data

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"id": "abc123",
"result": { "hello": "world" }

Messaging.RequestMessage -> Messaging.MessageResponse with error

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"id": "abc123",
"error": {
"message": "oops!"

Messaging.SubscriptionEvent without data

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"subscriptionName": "onUserValuesUpdated"

Messaging.SubscriptionEvent with data

"context": "contentScopeScripts",
"featureName": "duckPlayer",
"subscriptionName": "onUserValuesUpdated",
"params": { "hello": "world" }