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What payment methods are accepted for Privacy Pro?

If you purchase Privacy Pro from our website, or from a DuckDuckGo browser downloaded from our website, we use Stripe as a payment processor. You can use a prepaid credit card to enhance your privacy when subscribing via Stripe, but only U.S. credit cards are accepted, as Privacy Pro is only available to U.S. residents. Like your searches and browsing activity, we do not store your payment info, and it cannot be tied to your activity within DuckDuckGo.

If you purchase Privacy Pro from a DuckDuckGo browser downloaded from the Google Play Store or App Store, they handle the payments directly — accepting any payment method associated with your app store account. Their respective privacy policies and terms of service apply to payment processing.

How do I manage, upgrade, or cancel my subscription, or edit my payment method?

Where you can manage or change your subscription or payment method depends on the platform on which you subscribe:

How do I check when my subscription expires?

Your subscription will auto-renew monthly or annually, depending on the payment terms selected, until canceled. The renewal or expiration date (if you’ve canceled) is available in the Privacy Pro settings section within the DuckDuckGo browser.

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I have a question not covered here, how can I get help?

Please contact support at If you have ideas on how to improve Privacy Pro, please share it using the Share Feedback button in the DuckDuckGo browser.

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