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Per our privacy policy, DuckDuckGo does not track you, ever. In order to improve the experimental features included in DuckDuckGo Preview for Windows, diagnostic information is anonymously sent to DuckDuckGo in the event of a crash. This diagnostic information can include:

While none of the above information is personally identifiable or associated with any individual identifiers such as an IP address or device ID, reports may incidentally include personal information, such as a username entered into a website or the URL of a page open at the time of the crash.

While the regular DuckDuckGo browser utilizes a version of Microsoft’s WebView2 which we’ve modified to remove Microsoft diagnostics, DuckDuckGo Preview for Windows utilizes a pre-release version of WebView2 which may independently collect diagnostic information before we’re able to remove it, subject to Microsoft’s own terms and conditions.

Prior versions on GitHub.