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AI-assisted answers, previously called DuckAssist, are an optional feature in our search results that can anonymously generate answers to search queries. To do this, we scan the web for relevant content and use AI-powered natural language technology to generate a brief answer based on the information found. AI-assisted responses always link directly to one or two sources, citing where the answer came from, so you can easily go and get more detailed information. It’s important to remember that responses are auto-generated from cited sources, based on crawling the web.

AI-assisted answers are fully optional. Decide if you want to see them often, sometimes (the default setting), on demand, or never in your Search Settings.

Phrasing your search as a complete question makes AI-assisted answers more likely to appear automatically and often yields better answers. AI-assisted answers do not support follow-up questions. However, you can easily continue your conversation in, our private AI-powered chat service that supports chat models from OpenAI, Anthropic and more.

Visit this Help Page to learn more about DuckDuckGo’s approach to AI. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Prior versions on GitHub.